Care Of Syngonium In Autumn And Winter - Indoor Green Plants Supplier - Xiamen PlantKing Co., Ltd

One rather common indoor foliage plant is syngonium. Its unusual leaf form, simple maintenance, and great adjustability make it a perfect fit for many homes and businesses. But the development and maintenance requirements of Syngonium will also shift with the seasons—especially in the autumn and winter.

Syngonium Pixie

Syngonium Pixie

Seasonal variations in development

The plants keep climbing or spreading while the leaves are green in the warm seasons—spring and summer. Syngonium’s growth rate will progressively slow down and potentially enter a dormant phase, however, once autumn and winter arrive as the daylight hours decrease and the temperature falls. Appropriate care actions should be conducted depending on seasonal variations as Syngonium’s water, light, and temperature needs fluctuate from those during the growth period.

Autumn and winter temperature control

This is a tropical plant with ideal temperature range between 18°C and 25°C. In extreme circumstances, the development of Syngonium will be hampered when the temperature falls below 10°C; the leaves may start to turn yellow and wither as well. Keeping the space warm in the autumn and winter is therefore rather crucial.
Particularly recommended are specific ideas.
Controlling room temperature: Make sure the interior temperature in the chilly autumn and winter seasons does not dip below 12°C; the optimal temperature is maintained roughly around 18°C. Use a heater or move the plant to a warmer space if the ambient temperature is very low.
Steer clear of chilly drafts by keeping the syngonium far from windows, doors, or vents where it can be subject to damage of leaves.

Autumn and winter’s light needs

thrives fiercely in full light, yet it may also live in less strong light. Syngonium may not get enough light in fall and winter because to the drop in daylight hours and sunshine intensity, therefore influencing its leaf colour and development rate.
Particularly specific recommendations:
Raise the brightness: Try to arrange syngonium in fall and winter next to a windowsill that can get diffuse light, ideally one facing south- or west-direction. This enables the plant to get daily at least several hours of natural light.
Use artificial light: Should the interior illumination prove inadequate, a full-spectrum plant light will help to augment the required light for syngonium. To maintain the plant healthy, it is advised to expose it 8 to 12 hours of sunshine per day.
Though the sunlight is weak in fall and winter, it is still important to avoid strong direct sunlight, particularly when the sunshine is strong around midday, to help to prevent the burning of the leaves.

Autumn and winter watering management

Autumn and winter reduce down growth, hence the water need also changes. Should you keep watering at the same frequency as in summer, root rot might result and water collection at the roots could develop. Care for Syngonium in fall and winter so mostly depends on changing the watering frequency.
Particular advice:
Cut down on watering frequency. Usually once every two weeks, fall and winter should see less irrigation. The wetness of the soil will help one decide the exact watering time; so, make sure the top soil is dry before watering.
Maintain it somewhat wet. The soil still has to be maintained wet to prevent total dryness even if watering frequency is lowered. To guarantee that the soil is wet but not unduly irrigated, it is advised to water in little quantities many times.
Examination of drainage systems: To make sure the Syngonium flower pot’s drainage pores are not plugged, therefore preventing extra water from building up in the soil and resulting in root rot.

Autumnal and winter humidity regulation

Particularly in fall and winter, it enjoys a high humidity surroundings. Using interior heating systems will dry the air, which is rather bad for the development of Syngonium. Maintaining appropriate air humidity is the secret to care as the leaves of Syngonium may seem dry and curled at the margins when the air is excessively dry.
Particularly recommended ideas:
Raise humidity: To raise the air’s humidity, surround the Syngonium with a tray loaded with water or use a humidifier. To keep the leaves wet, you may also routinely mist them with a spray bottle.
Prevent leaf water buildup by: While raising the humidity of the air is important, it is also important to prevent water sitting on leaves for extended periods of time—especially in cold seasons, when too moist leaves are prone to mold and germs.

Autumn and winter fertilization management

Autumn and winter slow down the development pace, hence the requirement for nutrients also decreases. Overfertilizing in this season would not only hinder the plant’s development but also could lead to issues such fertilizer root burn.
Particularly recommended:
Lower the fertilization frequency: Fall and winter allow you to either cease fertilizing entirely or cut the amount of fertilizations. Should the plant still show indications of development, you may periodically apply diluted liquid fertilizer to guarantee appropriate nutrient supply.
Select low-nitrogen fertilizer. If you fertilize, it is advised to pick low-nitrogen fertilizer as too much nitrogen may encourage leaf development instead of enhancing the condition of the root system.
Control of pests and diseases in fall and winter
Syngonium’s sluggish fall and winter development makes it more vulnerable to pests and illnesses, particularly in a setting without enough light or air. Among common pests and illnesses include aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, etc.
Specific recommendations:
Frequent check: Particularly the rear of the leaves and the base of the stems, routinely inspect the leaves and stems of syngonium. Early pest identification stops them from proliferating.
Normal control: Should a small number of bugs be discovered, wipe them off using alcohol swabs or soapy water. Insecticides made especially for indoor plants can help with more severe infestations.
Keep breathing. While fall and winter bring lower temperatures, modest ventilation may assist to prevent the spread of pests and illnesses. Every day opening the window for ventilation is advised; direct cold wind should be avoided for the plants.

Autumn and winter Pruning and propagation

Though Syngonium’s dormant season is fall and winter, good trimming may still assist the plant remain in form and condition. Though the roots pace may be somewhat slower than in spring and summer, this is still an ideal period to do cutting propagation.
specific recommendations:
Prune old, yellow leaves and long branches in fall and winter to help plants store nutrients and promote the development of fresh buds.
Use the cutting technique in fall and winter to reproduce, place good stem segments into water or soil, keep them somewhat wet, and then wait for rooted before planting them into pots.



Syngonium reaches a slower stage in fall and winter, but this does not imply it requires less cautious treatment. By means of appropriate temperature control, light supplementation, lower water and fertilizer, higher air humidity, avoidance of pests and illnesses, you may enable Syngonium to safely endure the winter season and provide a strong basis for development next year. Not only is syngonium a lovely decorative plant, but it also makes the perfect addition to provide the inside green life. It will pay you green leaves and a good posture as long as you treat it correctly in fall and winter.

Post time: 10-14-2024

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