Begonia Jive Rhizomatous

  • Botanical Name: Begonia × tuberhybrida 'Jive'
  • Family Name: Begoniaceae
  • Stems: 6-12 Inch
  • Temperature: 20℃~27℃
  • Other: Moist, well-drained, humid, and semi-shady conditions.


Product Description

The Begonian Boogie: Dance of the Jive Rhizomatous

Begonia Jive Rhizomatous is highly appreciated for its distinctive leaf characteristics. These leaves are not only larger in size but also vibrant in color, blending gradients of green, red, silver, and purple, showcasing a unique natural artistry. The shapes of the leaves are diverse, with some being referred to as “star begonias” due to their unique leaf shapes and possible heavy texturing.

Many Begonia Jive Rhizomatous leaves have interesting crinkles along the edges, adding a sense of depth and movement visually. The texture of these leaves ranges from smooth to heavily textured, with each leaf resembling a meticulously sculpted piece of art. The leaves of Begonia Jive Rhizomatous are not only focal points for their color and pattern but also their uniqueness and diversity make them treasures in the hearts of gardening enthusiasts and plant collectors.

Begonia Jive Rhizomatous

Begonia Jive Rhizomatous

The Begonia Jive Rhizomatous: A Groovy Guide to Growing

Begonia Jive Rhizomatous prefers soil that is moist yet well-draining. The ideal soil pH is between 5.5 and 6.5, and it requires a loose, porous mix to ensure good drainage while maintaining adequate moisture. The best potting mix for this plant is a combination of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite, which provides proper drainage while retaining water.

1. The Light Touch: Begonias’ Sunbathing Etiquette

Begonia Jive Rhizomatous is a bit of a sun-shy plant. It doesn’t fancy baking in the direct sunlight, as it might end up with sunburned leaves. This plant thrives under bright, indirect light, so it’s best to give it a spot where it can enjoy the dappled shade, like a VIP at a garden party.

2. The Watering Woes: Staying Hydrated, Not Drowned

Our Begonia Jive Rhizomatous has a preference for moist but not soggy soil. It’s like a spa day for the plant—enjoy the water, but don’t overstay your welcome. Water thoroughly until it drains out the bottom, then let the soil take a breather before the next round.

3. The Humidity Highlife: Begonias’ Tropical Roots

Begonia Jive Rhizomatous has a taste for the high life—humidity, that is. It’s got tropical roots, so it loves a steamy environment. To keep it happy, you can throw a few other plants in the mix, set up a pebble tray sauna, or break out the humidifier.

4. The Temperature Tango: Keeping it Just Right

Begonia Jive Rhizomatous is a Goldilocks of the plant world, liking its temperature not too hot, not too cold, but just right—between 20ºC and 25ºC. If the thermometer drops below 60ºF, it’s off to sleep land, entering a dormant state and pausing its growth.

5. The Fertilizer Fiesta: Feeding with Care

During the growing season, Begonia Jive Rhizomatous enjoys a bi-weekly feast of high-phosphorus liquid fertilizer, or you can opt for a slow-release treat. Just remember, it’s a delicate diner, so avoid overfeeding.

6. The Propagation Party: Multiplying the Fun

Begonia Jive Rhizomatous is a social plant; it loves to multiply through stem, leaf, and rhizome cuttings. For the propagation soiree, ensure there’s a well-draining container on the guest list and that the soil is just a touch tipsy with moisture.

Begonia Jive Rhizomatous is a social plant; it loves to multiply through stem, leaf, and rhizome cuttings. For the propagation soiree, ensure there’s a well-draining container on the guest list and that the soil is just a touch tipsy with moisture.

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